Judgment Day

Continuation of the Details--page 2
The lamp The Lamp At the very beginning of the scene with Alice regaining consciousness following her telephone pole accident, we are offered a wonderful, gentle scene that is a major foreshadowing of the events about to occur in this episode: Alice is lying on the bed injured and Neil is examining her in subdued light. Christy stands beside Neil holding a lamp. Neil tells Christy to hold the lamp up higher and then gently guides her wrist to where he wants the lamp placed, lingering his touch on her forearm and gazing into her eyes. This little scene between Christy Alice, MacNeill and Christy and Neil with Alice present serves as a foreshadowing of the knowledge we are going to gain in this episode that will allow judgments to be made about the characters. The symbol of the lamp casting light clearly establishes a thematic element that something will be revealed; a truth will be shown; an enlightenment will occur. It is important that the room in the lamp scene only contains the 3 characters about to be judged in this episode: Christy, Neil, and Alice. This also sets up one of the wonderful dynamics of the show the Alice-Christy-Neil conflict which will be brought to bear in full in the upcoming Eye of the Storm.

Neil talks to ChristyChristy's difficulties MacNeill and Christy's next encounter in this episode is an extended conversation about Christy's difficulties with the newly arrived Mission Director Dr. Jacob Ferrand who has come for a visit and who has taken a dislike to Christy in that he seems to think she is an immature and foolish young girl. We watch as MacNeill has an uncanny ability to see into Christy's heart and understand her turmoil without being told. He sympathizes with her and talks to her about her problem and in the process helps her come to a partial solution about what to do about her solicited charitable donations for the mission that are causing so much of the dissension between her and Ferrand. We can see MacNeill lift her spirits, and hope comes rushing back into her heart after their time together.

Alice Henderson's SecretAlice tells Christy her secret Christy goes to Alice in hopes of getting advice about Dr. Ferrand and in the process Alice tells the details of her own troubled past. We learn about Miss Alice's illegitimate daughter who Alice reports has died. This scene provides Christy new information about Alice which she reveals so Christy can judge her in a different, more realistic light, but the story seems to also end with much untold that leaves Christy and the audience a bit uneasy. The importance of this daughter and the effect it has on Christy and MacNeill's relationship will become more troubling over the next few episodes.    MORE->>
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